Ibiley School Uniforms is an equal opportunity company. We are dedicated to a policy of no discrimination in employment on any basis including race, color, age, sex, religion, national origin, disability, or other classes protected by applicable federal, provincial, state, or local law.

Name:   Last Name:  
Email:  Phone:
Address:   City:  
State:   Zip:  
Date you can start:   Preferred Location:  
Preferred Position:   If other please explain:  

Are you over 16?      
Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation?
(You need not respond as to record of conviction ordered expunged, sealed, or impounded.)
If Yes, give date of each conviction and explain each complete detail as to each:
Have you ever worked for Ibiley School Uniforms?
If yes, where and when?
Are you currently employed?
Are you currently in school?
Can you communicate in English & Spanish?
If you want to attach a resume to the application, click Browse below:
If not attaching a resume, please list your previous employments including position, name
and phone of your supervisor.
Other comments:

I hereby authorize and request any and all of my former employers and any other person, firm or corporation
to furnish any and all information concerning any credit–worthiness and personal back ground, and I herby
release each such employer or other person, firm or corporation from any or all liability by reason of furnishing
the requested information.

I specifically authorize Ibiley Uniforms and More to obtain consumer reports on me for employment purposes.
I understand that if employed any misrepresentation or omission of facts requested is cause for dismissal.

  Bulk Ordering   How to Raise Money with School Uniforms   How We Support Schools and Families   Why School Uniforms Matter   Privacy Policy   Who We Are